A21: Logo and coordinated image

Case Study

A21: Logo and coordinated image

Corporate rebranding with the creation of the logo and corporate identity.


A21, a holding company offering a wide range of automotive services, requested our advice and expertise to carry out a rebranding project.


The rebranding project carried out by NeroBold for A21 led to the creation of a new corporate identity, with the aim of creating a modern corporate image in line with the automtive sector.

During the rebranding process, NeroBold conducted extensive research into the fonts, colors and images to be used, with the aim of creating graphic assets that could effectively communicate the company’s values and products.

The structure and style of the new logos echo a technical, very clean font, just as for the colors, tones were chosen that easily draw the user’s attention.
We thought of the logotype of the A21 holding company by going to encompass the two souls of the company – Caresafe and Autosicura – which also live independently, taking up only their portion of the logo, i.e., half of the car.

This project was carried out with Zucchi39

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